Wednesday, July 29, 2009

To plan or not to plan...

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

....I read that on a blog regarding my Weight Watchers diet. As a big "planner" myself, I gotta say, it's true in more areas of life than just dieting.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Elevator etiquette

Tips I found online for elevator etiquette that people in my building NEED to know:

Waiting for the elevator...
  • Don't push the Up button when elevator doors are about to close just so you can make everyone wait while you squeeze in.
  • Do hold the elevator doors open if someone's only a few seconds behind you.
    In the elevator ...
  • Don't stand uncomfortably close to someone, especially if there is plenty of space. Forcing yourself onto a packed elevator, thereby smooshing yourself up against someone, is just as bad.
  • Do cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. (Not just in elevators, but anywhere, really.) You might think this one is obvious, but no ... it's not.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Guys with earrings

Every SINGLE time I see a guy with his ears pierced I think, "right is wrong, left is right".

My opinion is that either is wrong. Just like so many fashions critics say, a DON'T in my book.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Motherly or not?

Last week I had a conversation that has really been on my mind non-stop ever since I hung up the phone. A woman I know, who happens to be slightly older than my mother, was saying how she was just not very motherly. I was surprised to hear her say that and of course said she was motherly in my opinion. I truly believe that she is because I would never throw around compliments without the proper conviction.

But that's just it, "motherly" in this case was just my opinion.... Would she be considered motherly by anyone else's definition or idea? Which leads me to my next question, what does motherly mean? I think most would agree that being motherly has nothing to do with giving birth, it is MUCH deeper than that. It is almost embedded in a woman's soul. Either she has it or not. While I can agree that not all women have the motherly nature about them, I think to some degree all women can be at any time if they so choose.

And just in case you were curious, I found these definitions of motherly on the Web:
  • maternally: in a maternal manner; as a mother; "she loved her students almost maternally"
    befitting a mother; warm and nurturing
  • A mother is a biological and/or social female parent of an offspring. Because of the complexity and differences of the social, cultural, and religious definitions and roles, it is challenging to define a mother in a universally accepted
  • motherliness - the quality of having or showing the tenderness and warmth and affection of or befitting a mother; "the girl's motherliness made her invaluable in
  • motherliness - The property of being

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Being married so far

So far being married is not a huge difference other than Scott never sleeps anywhere else but our apartment. I had that revelation on my honeymoon when a fellow newlywed asked where were living. I stopped myself when I said I live near the Galleria, and he lives....oh, guess he lives with me.

Speaking of sleeping...much to the cat's dismay, Scott is not leaving anytime soon. Therefore I can only guess that Scott and Frodo are probably going to permanently fight over the left side of the bed. So far the score is pretty even. In my head, my poor little cat is wondering what in the world is going on after all these years of living alone, WHY is someone STILL there other than me? LOL

Still, married life is just fine. Most of the time when people ask how married life is going, I respond with my usual answer: "So far we are both still alive". I just thought I was being a little cheeky with my answer until my doctor said that she was shocked to hear me say that. I tried to explain that I was only kidding and that after all the adjustments that have come and gone and are still coming... I was still happy that we were married. She proceeded to tell me that her and her husband NEVER experienced that phase, and that everything just flowed nicely from day 1. What she failed to mention at the beginning of that story was that they lived together for 12 years before they got married. Seriously? Apples and oranges.....lady don't even compare!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Was it a coincidence?

I have a friend from high school that I reconnected with about 2-3 years ago but have since lost touch. Last night out of nowhere, I dreamed some really awful things about the guy. I mean, things like he was being held prisioner/hostage by some really huge guy. Now I could go on and on about the metaphors that might be underlying, BUT, I think I will just say that he needed to be reached out to today. I really believe that God has a way of letting us know when we are needed and those "out-of-nowhere" dreams are really his idea of something bigger.

To my friend...I hope that you are happy, healthy, and in no immediate danger.