Monday, July 19, 2010

Reading is FUNdamental

Alexis turned 6 years old on June 18th. My sister took this picture the next day on her way to Schlitterbahn. She is obviously the most gorgeous child in the world but on top of that, she's smart! I mean really smart...I think maybe she gets it from Aunt Coco?

Doesn't matter really who she gets her love of reading from, the point is she loves to read! As in, the kid reads everything she can get her hands on these days. She just finished Kindergarten in May but she's already reading on a later First grade level. Isn't that wonderful?

I bought her 12 books ranging in levels 1-3 for her birthday and she had almost all of them finished within 1 week of her birthday. I am really impressed and so proud of her. Reading is so important and truly lays the foundation for so many other things in life. I see so many teenagers and young adults that really struggle with reading comprehension and spelling. It makes me really sad. I hope Alexis continues to have a passion for reading long after the novelty of learning to read wears off!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Tutti Frutti

Have you heard about the new wave of yogurt? NO?

Well here in the Houston area (and probably all over) health nuts are happy to see a low-calorie alternative to ice cream. FROZEN YOGURT!!!

No, I know it's not the same....nothing compares to the yummy goodness of ice cream of course!

But, there's hope. I am in LOVE with Tutti Frutti yogurt and I promise after one visit you will be too.

Everything about the place just gives me that giddy school-girl feeling. The yogurt tastes nothing like the gritty stuff you get everywhere else. It's smooth and creamy with so many flavors to choose from. Seriously, the website boasts over 40 flavors!

But wait! That's not all. You also have your choice of toppings. Candy, fruit, nuts, granola, syrups, whip cream, name it, they have it!

Don't believe me when I say it's the best thing ever? Try it yourself!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Driving without a high school diploma?

I heard on the radio that Gov. Perry is trying to implement a new law that would prevent high school dropouts from getting their drivers license.

Sounds like a great incentive to me.

Isn't a driver's license the one thing that most high schoolers want more than just about anything else?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Conversations with Scott Part 3

While watching tv the other day:

Scott: Can you put it on the Home Run Derby real quick?
Me: What is that? Baseball?
Scott: (Looks at me like I have worms coming out of my ears) Uh yeah!
Me: Ugh, but I want to watch this show. (Pouty-lip)
Scott: Oh come on, just for a minute...please. It's really cool to see them hit that far.
Me: I don't care if it's the Super Bowl of's not that exciting to me.
Scott: (crickets chirping)