Thursday, July 2, 2009

Being married so far

So far being married is not a huge difference other than Scott never sleeps anywhere else but our apartment. I had that revelation on my honeymoon when a fellow newlywed asked where were living. I stopped myself when I said I live near the Galleria, and he lives....oh, guess he lives with me.

Speaking of sleeping...much to the cat's dismay, Scott is not leaving anytime soon. Therefore I can only guess that Scott and Frodo are probably going to permanently fight over the left side of the bed. So far the score is pretty even. In my head, my poor little cat is wondering what in the world is going on after all these years of living alone, WHY is someone STILL there other than me? LOL

Still, married life is just fine. Most of the time when people ask how married life is going, I respond with my usual answer: "So far we are both still alive". I just thought I was being a little cheeky with my answer until my doctor said that she was shocked to hear me say that. I tried to explain that I was only kidding and that after all the adjustments that have come and gone and are still coming... I was still happy that we were married. She proceeded to tell me that her and her husband NEVER experienced that phase, and that everything just flowed nicely from day 1. What she failed to mention at the beginning of that story was that they lived together for 12 years before they got married. Seriously? Apples and oranges.....lady don't even compare!

1 comment:

Trix in the Stix said...

I think your doctor is lying! Seriously... nothing just flows smoothly after being with someone for 12 years!