Thursday, February 11, 2010

Conversations with Scott Part 2

Back story: On Sunday Scott and I were driving on the freeway. After seeing an ugly black Mercedes Van/SUV-type vehicle, the following conversation took place:

Scott: "Ugh, that thing is awful..."
Me: "Yeah, but it's a Mercedes."
Scott: "It looks like one of those hursts..."
Me: "A what?!"
Scott: "A hurst...ya know, the car that they put coffins in for funerals..."
Me: (Laughing out loud for real) "No honey, that's called a HEARSE!!" "There's no such thing as a HURST"
Scott: "Whatever...yes there is"
Me: "And just how do you spell that?"
Scott: "H-U-R-S-T"
Me: "No, it's spelled H-E-A-R-S-E"

Obviously he thinks I'm being a smart ass so he doesn't believe me. So I call my friend Vickie (the non-speller of ANY word) since I know she's home.

Me: "Hey, what's that word for the car that carries the casket to the cemetary?"
Vickie: "A hearse?"
Me: "Yeah, that's do you spell it?"
Vickie: "Um, I don't know"

At this point I tell her Scott's version of the spelling.

Vickie: "Yeah, no, I KNOW that isn't right!"
Me: "Yeah me neither, GOOGLE it for us will ya?"

***clicking on the keyboard***

Vickie: "Yep, you are right...H-E-A-R-S-E"
Me to Scott: "I told you...I knew it didn't have a T in the word"
Scott: "Whatever..."

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