Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Not very "PC"

I hate that this world has become so politically correct that you hesitate to say something as simple as "Merry Christmas".

I never thought growing up that something so natural to me would be so offensive for someone else. I also never thought that I'd fall victim to hesitating at all before saying "Merry Christmas"....but I have. I can't believe it either...so very unlike me.

On the other hand, it brings the biggest smile to my face to hear someone wish me a "Merry Christmas" rather than "Happy Holidays". I'm not sure why, because no matter what the phrase is actually, it is the thought behind it that is truly touching. However, on two different occasions today, I've had people say have a great Christmas when I know that they do not celebrate Christmas. Not knowing exactly what to say in return, I panicked and said "you too". How much sense does that make?

Also this was along the lines of not being very "PC" either.

Its presented a little dramatically, but still proving a good point in my opinion about having to be careful with what you say to people these days

At any rate, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!!

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