Friday, October 10, 2008

Great dinner

I had a great dinner last night with a sweet lady.

I used to work with her but she's moved on to greener pastures. And man are they green!!! She gave me some really valuable insight to her career moves financially and I was comforted to know that even at the young age of 26, the pennies I make now will only increase. Duh right? I mean, I always assumed that, but I guess it was just nice to hear that I can (and will) make much more money during the course of my's just a matter of finding out who is willing to pay it. :)

She also gave me the best compliment. Even though she never had any children of her own, she said I would be the perfect daughter and that if she was able to hand-pick one from heaven, she'd look for someone just like me. Awww, sweet huh? I was completely flattered, and told her thank you, but that I'm sure that my own mother would disagree seeing as how she was with me during the dreaded teenage years.

It was a great night to unwind and catch up. Great food, nice peachy margarita, and wonderful conversation about the good, bad, and ugly of better to get a jump start of the weekend?

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